Sunday, July 12, 2009

# Entry 9# 09 NEP Show

Hi guys!! Yesterday I went to the NEP Show. We went to school and asembled there as a class. We had a briefing and about 4+ we left for the stadium. Mr Leong also told us do not be choosy with our bag, they give you what colour just take. Went down to collect our bag and our mcdonald's meal. I was unlucky to get the pink one. The bus journey was SUPER long.

When we reach there, it was a huge human traffic jam. If am not wrong there are about 83 schools there. After we reach there we looked for out seats and sat, the chair was a little bit smaller and short for me . After that it started to drizzle, I searched for my poncho and wore it. The funniest part was that Annabel's poncho tore, it was a big hole. Afte a short while it stopped raining. I was delighted, it was super warm when we wore the poncho. After all the schools have settled the show started.

At night it began to drizzle again!!! We needed to wear our poncho again, but it seemed like it was a drizzle only so no one bothered to wear it. Then t rained heavily, I rushed for my bag and poncho. I quickly wore it, I hid my bag in my poncho as i did not want it to get wet, alot of people was standing with their poncho, I'm not sure why. Me an Serene sat on the chair, I later realised that my butt was wet i quicky stood up and took my flags, heart and hand-drum under my chair. I was like groaning" Aww man, why rain, this is the unluckiest day in my life."

But it was fun standing in the rain, but thus the rain the performance still went on. The show ended and we waited for the bus to arive. There was Ambulance coming in, there was a lady who needed oxygen because of her asthma attack(I think). We needed to squeeze. That's all abou the Show, please comment or tagg!! I enjoyed my self very much.
-Hui Hui

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

MJ Death

Hellos, it has been awhile sinced I have blogged. RIP MJ!! Your songs will be 4ever in our hearts!! I love your moonwalk & songs!! You are a wonderful singer... Farewell, MJ.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

#Entry 8# P5 camp

The first day, we went to school as usual then about 8 we spilt in to groups. Mr Muzz. He called names individually and I was in Group 1. My instructor is Instructor Joel.My group name was "Athens". After that we took a bus to go to the Labrador Adventure Centre the bus trip was quite long. When we reached there we left our bags there and we were asked to bring along a small bag and a T-shirt and a pants.
We went to Sentosa to have amusing race. One of the the activities were to count the planks on a bridge, tug-of-war in the sea and throwing stones at an empty bottle. The tug-of-war was quite fun then we went to the toilet to change our clothes and wash up I only washed up but did not changed my clothes because I did not have a towel to clean dry. Then we went back to the camp to have our bath, the queue was extremely long. So I needed to wait quite a long time before I could take a bath. Then we went down to the canteen to eat our dinner.
After eating dinner, we proceed to the hall to line up. We played kidnapped during the camp the objective of the game was rescuing friends we needed to get the correct key to unlock a lock. My group finished first so we went to a quiet area to learn out dance for the campfire the next day. After that we had out supper and went to our dormitories. My dormitories was the last so I needed to walk very long to get there.
When we were in bed, I slept, most of the girls in the camp chatted and giggled and some played pillow fight. The next day we needed to wake up at 6.30 but I woke up at 5 instead. During my sleep, someone alarm rang so I thought it was 6.30 so I woke up immediately and look at the time at my watch that it was 5 so I went back to sleep but I couldn't sleep so I just lay down on my bed thinking what would the food be in the morning and about the high elements. Some girls who woke up at 5 went to the toilet to brush their teeth but they did not maybe probably an instructor scolded them. While about 6 I borrowed 1 of my friend's torchlight to do the worksheet that the instructor gave us. We went to the canteen to eat. After that we went to do CRC.

I did fly fox I was afraid of heights but I over come my fear when I did flyfox it was scary when you go down but it wad fine after that but the speed was too fast. About 7 we had our dinner and went to the parade square to assemble for the campfire after about half an hour it started drizzling and we needed to go to the hall to do the campfire. My group performed Apologize it was a little embarrassing standing in front but I pretended that I were practising.
After the dance we proceeded to the canteen to have our super after that we went into out dormitories to get ready and brush our teeth. The next day we did spring cleaning. After that we went back to school. I felt sad that the camp has ended and also felt happy that I learnt new values and made some new friends over there. I hope that there will be another camp someday again. Goodbye Camp!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

#Entry 7# Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a global election, between Earth and global warming.By switching on your lights is a vote for global warming and switching off your lights is a vote for Earth. The earth hour is held on 28th of March on 8.30-9.30. People is organising this event because they probably want to encourage more people to save electricity and fight global warming.People will be probably be switching off they lights during the one hour for those who vote Earth and switching on their lights for those who vote for global warming. By doing this it can save tons of electricity used in our daily life. Earth is also facing finacial crisis as a lot of people has been retrenched.

#Entry 6# March Holidays

During the school holidays I stayed at home the whole day and went back to school for IT for two days. I enjoyed myself during the school holidays even though I never go travelling. During the days that there were no lesson in school during the school holidays, I play the computer the whole days and do some assesment books. The one week holidays has ended and now I am back in school even though I hate waking up early in the morning I still prefer school then holidays. I am looking forward to the next holiday!

Monday, March 16, 2009

#Entry 5# Fire Safety

Fire Safety is very important to me as I do not want to lose my valuable items and things.We should learn to keep wires neat and do not put them too close to water as it may cause fire. And do not play matches and candles at home.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pictures of Bukit Chandu and Old Ford Factory

#Entry 4# Trip to Bukit Chandu and Old Ford Factory

Yesterday I went to Old Ford Factory and Bukit Chandu. Old Ford factory is located at Upper Bukit Timah and Bukit Chandu is located at 31k Pepys Road (S118458). I feel that it is important to history because there was a war and to tell us that we are very fortunate not to born when there's war and what happened durning the war. The Old Ford Factory was filled with Japanese during the world war two because the Japanese choose this place so that they can see what happened beacuse it was the tallest in the past.
The fiercest war was in Bukit Chandu where the Malay regiment fought. The local heros in Old Ford Factory and Bukit Chandu was Lieutenant Adnan. I have learnt a very important lesson during the trip to Old Ford Factory and Bukit Chandu. Hope you guys learnt too!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

#Entry 3# Total Defence

I would defend my family because I want them to be by my side forever. I will study hard and grow up to be an independent person and not let them worry about me and make a living so that they would enjoy a happy retirement.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

#Entry 2# Chinese New Year

One thing I like about Chinese New Year is recieving hongbao. Another thing is eating goodies such as pineapple tarts and many more. And I also like reunion dinner cause I love to eat steamboat and abalone I wanted to eat more but there was none left.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Dec Holidays

During my December Holidays I stayed at home and play the computer the whole day and study, as my parents were not at home. I stayed over at my friend house 'Steffi'. We baked orange cookies which contains orange juice, corn flour, eggs and more.